This Read Me document provides late-breaking news about Macintosh System Software 6.0.5. Some of this information is not contained in the Macintosh Reference.
The Installer first checks the disk (either a floppy disk or hard disk) onto which you are installing software to determine whether it contains a System Folder. Depending on whether a System Folder is on the disk, the Installer either creates a System Folder or updates the existing folder.
If the disk does not contain a System Folder, the Installer creates a System Folder and installs system software, including fonts, desk accessories, and printer drivers. (To create a System Folder on a floppy disk, make sure you start with a blank 800k or 1440k disk.)
If the disk already contains a System Folder, the Installer inventories the existing files and resources and updates the software in the System Folder.
If the Installer finds a file in your System Folder that is newer (has a higher version number) than a file on the system software disks, the Installer will not replace that file. For example, if your System Folder already contains LaserWriter version 6.0, the Installer will not replace it with the LaserWriter version 5.2 on the Printing Tools disk.
Unlike previous system software releases, the System Tools disk does not contain all of the files, fonts, and desk accessories you may want to install. You may need some, or all, of the other Macintosh system software disks. Before using the Installer, make sure you have the following disks:
1. Macintosh System Tools
2. Macintosh Printing Tools
3. Macintosh Utilities Disk 1
4. Macintosh Utilities Disk 2
*** Important ****
To insure that the Installer works properly, please remove any virus detection or security programs from your System Folder before launching the Installer. After you have finished installing 6.0.5, you may reinstall these programs.
NOTE: If you are installing system software for the first time or if you do not have a User Name in the Chooser, you will see a dialog box asking you to name your Macintosh when you Restart using the newly installed system. Type a name for your computer (it can be your name if you wish) and click OK. Your Macintosh will then start up normally.
The Printing Tools disk for System 6.0.5 contains 2 different LaserWriter drivers--LaserWriter 5.2 and LaserWriter 6.0.1. LaserWriter 5.2 is considered the "standard" LaserWriter driver; LaserWriter 6.0.1 is specifically designed to work with color PostScript printers and to provide halftone printing of color images on monochrome PostScript printers such as Apple LaserWriter printers. (For more information on LaserWriter 6.0.1, please refer the Read Me in the "Apple Color" folder on the Printing Tools disk).
As stated above, the Installer follows predefined logic during the installation of 6.0.5. For example, if you are upgrading from any previous release of System 6.0.x and you have LaserWriter 5.2, the installer will not update your driver. If you are upgrading to 6.0.5 and you are using LaserWriter 6.0, the installer will upgrade you to 6.0.1.
To upgrade from LaserWriter 5.2 to LaserWriter 6.0.1, please drag the files LaserWriter 6.0.1 LaserPrep 6.0.1 from the "Apple Color" folder on the Printing Tools disk into your System Folder. If you see an alert asking whether to replace items with the same name, click OK.
When printing shadow, outline, or boldface text in large point sizes on the LaserWriter IISC, ImageWriter LQ, or AppleFax Modem, some characters may not print. The problem varies depending upon the application, font, font style, and font size used. You can avoid the problem by using plain text.
Be sure to close the Chooser when you are finished using it. When the Chooser window is open, the Chooser generates significant traffic on the network. If you are using an Apple EtherTalk NB card in the Macintosh IIci or Macintosh IIfx, be sure to use the Apple Network Products Installer disk to install or reinstall the EtherTalk software. Instructions for using this Installer are in the Network Products Installer booklet provided with the Macintosh IIci and Macintosh IIfx.
The recommended version of Hypercard for use with 6.0.5 is Hypercard 1.2.5.